Dog food, including raw, can be ordered from Naturally Urban. They will deliver to the campground on Thursday afternoon ONLY. You must be there to receive your order or have a friend collect it for you. Payment must be made directly on the website, linked below. Please state in the comments that you are attending the “Whippet Nationals in Squamish”. Prices are in Canadian dollars.
Naturally Urban Pet Food Delivery
IMPORTANT: Squamish is special in part because of its natural beauty and closeness to wilderness. With this, please be aware that Squamish is home to wildlife such as bears and geese. Please view these links to learn more about Squamish Bears and be Bear Smart while visiting Squamish. Food cannot sit out as it could attract our wild neighbors, so we ask that you or a friend be present for the food delivery.
More information about food delivery time and exact location will come closer to the event.