Friday, August 9, 2024
Fun Match Judge – Barbara Turpin
Match Organizer – Jade Hughes
Ring Steward – Mike & Kathy Slater
Cost for Match Entries – $10 USD/$13.50 CAD per dog
- No Day-Of Match Entries
- 11:00 am Match Judging Begins
- Dog Class Judging
- Bitch Class Judging
- Above classes offered are:
- Veteran 7-10 years
- Veteran 10-12 years
- Veteran 12+ years
- Baby Puppy 3-6 months
- Puppy 6-9 months
- Puppy 9-12 months
- Adult 12-18 months
- Adult Bred-By-Exhibitor
- Adult Open
- Adult Race Champion*
- Best in Match Judging
- Best in Match/Best Opposite in Match
- Best Veteran in Match/Best Opposite Veteran in Match
- Best Puppy in Match/Best Opposite Puppy in Match
- Awards of Merit
- Fun Classes Judging – Three fun classes are available. Only $5 USD/$7 CAD each! Remember to register in advance.
- Fun Ears Put on your favorite ears!
- Best Buns
- Brace Find your dog’s doppelganger! ($5 USD/$7 CAD per brace pair)
- Parade of National Champions – to be eligible, whippet must have won a national race meet in CARA, CWA, NAWRA, NOTRA, or WRA OR have been ranked #1 in the annual stats of CARA, CWA, NAWRA, NOTRA, or WRA. There is no entry fee for the parade.
*For Race Champion classes – championship titles can be from CARA, CWA, DII, NAWRA, NOTRA, or WRA

Please visit the Awards Page for a list of the Fun Match awards. If you would like to sponsor a specific class, please contact Jenna Eberl at wickedridgewhippets@gmail.com or send her a Facebook message. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Fun Match Judge Bio
Barbara Turpin

Barbara Turpin is a third generation dog breeder. Under the kennel name “Of Course,” her family’s Whippets are known for being true dual purpose dogs. They have excelled in both racing and showing for more than 50 years. Of Course Whippets are noted in the UK book, “Whippets Today” and the US book, “The Complete Whippet.”
Ms. Turpin has had Rhodesian Ridgebacks since 1995 and still holds fast to the family legacy of breeding dogs that are well able to perform the function for which they were bred. She was a panelist at the 2004 World Congress on the subject of Breed Specific Legislation, started the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Canada, has written numberous breed-related articles, is a past rescue coordinator and is a “Dogs in Canada” photography contest winner. She is also a novice judge, handling coach, doggy doula, and self-taught canine herbalist.
Of Course Rhodesian Ridgebacks are known internationally as dynamic movers, dedicated performance dogs, excellent producers, and consistent winners in local shows as well as breed specialties. Of Course get is seen worldwide succeeding in the show ring, on the coursing field, in obedience competitions, working as therapy dogs, doing scent work, and even in Iron Dog competitions.